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Friday, June 15, 2012

So its the middle of June. That means its graduation time for University kids all over. And just like that, another batch of DVM students reach the end of their time at the OVC. This week, the OVC Class of 2012, the Silver Foxes gathered with their family, friends, mentors, teachers, and peers to go up on stage, smile and shake hands with the President of the University to finally get the chance to say the Veterinarians' Oath and declare, "Now I'm a real doctor!"

It was an amazing thing to watch. 4 years from now, it will be us Stags up there. It will be our turn so soon. By that time, I hope we manage to cram all that knowledge and skill into us, to be able to proudly stand and recite that oath with confidence and honour. I look forward to that day, and at the same time feel rather terrified. It makes me realize just how sheltered we become in school and university. But someday, we gotta go out there into the "real" world- with real patients and real owners, where we are truly put to the test.

I know we'll all make great vets in 4 yrs, but we gotta take things one step at a time, learn everything we can and work hard at achieving our goals. Second year and the dreaded POD (Principles of Disease) looms over the horizon, like storm clouds off in the distance. Horror stories are whispered in the halls of the OVC of the brutality and enormity of that tempest...

But looking at the optimistic faces of the Silver Foxes as they head off into the sunset reminds me that like so many before us, the Scarlet Stags will weather the coming storm and push on to that shining light far off in 2015- where we too will recite the oath, and join the hallowed halls of OVC grads!

Keep yer pencils sharp!

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