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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Purple Platypi and what not

The Class of 2016 is busy brainstorming  ideas for their class mascot. I remember a couple of the biggest worries my class had, come finals. We weren't so afraid of having to redo the year if we failed- we were more worried that it would mean having to get all new merch and the fear of having a silly mascot....

Purple Platypuses/Platypi anyone?

Its interesting to see how much our class has rallied around being "Scarlet Stags". We have developed an identity as a class, we take pride in being Stags. We happily raise our hands up and make antlers on our heads in all our hockey photos... It means something different to each of us, yet it brings us all together as a class!

I'm excited to see what the new Phase Ones pick. We are all watching with bated breath, amazed at all the wonderful ideas that we have seen so far. What will they pick? How will it come to define them? Only time will tell...

Keep yer pencils sharp!

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